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Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 4

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 4

The book History of American Architecture - the fourth volume by Dr. Mark Gelernter examines the historical events affecting American architecture in the years 1865 to 1915. After America came out of British colonialism, this country started to make amazing progress in terms of economy, architecture and other aspects. This era is known as the era of development and diversity among Americans. The book History of American Architecture - Volume IV, first of all, talks about the economic development of America after emerging from European colonial rule. This economic development caused the emergence of success and significant progress in transportation, politics, architecture, agriculture, science and industry, etc. This valuable work speaks well about the history of America, how economic growth came about in America, how governments and capitalist systems were formed, transformations in various fields, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to read it.

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 3

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 3

The book History of American Architecture - the third volume by Dr. Mark Gelernter is a special and influential book that has attracted the attention of those interested in the history and art of architecture. The book History of American Architecture - the third volume gives explanations about the 300-year domination of Europe over the world and depicts the end of this domination in the best possible way for the audience. In this book, American architectural ideas after the Renaissance are reviewed. The American revolution against the British and also the French industrial revolution are among the most important topics of the third volume of the history of American architecture. The rich concepts in this book are very attractive for all those interested in fields such as sociology, political science, history, cultural management, archaeology, literature, art, etc. You will find out how the evolution of the culture and politics of a land affects the architecture of that region.

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 2

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 2

The book History of American Architecture - the second volume by Dr. Mark Gelernter was written with the aim of getting to know how American architecture was born. In this volume of the book, the development of architecture in Europe and America is discussed. In fact, by reading the book, the influence of these two continents on each other in architectural techniques will be well evident. As you know, American architecture has long been the focus of many architects around the world. But where is the source of this beauty and creativity in architecture? What is the past behind this architectural culture? Many architects, historians and people interested in engineering and art history are interested in buying this book. For this reason, the online book store of ParnianAndish Publications has undertaken the task of editing and publishing the translated version of this book. This work is honored and chosen for the biennial book of Iran's architecture and urban planning.

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 1

Explanations about the book History of American Architecture - Volume 1

In this work, it is explained in relation to the role of culture and civilization of the people and the historical events of Native American peoples and the evolution of the architecture of this continent. Also, the influence of other non-American civilizations and foreign events in the field of architecture and culture will be examined. In the current volume of this collection, the period between 12 thousand years BC to 1500 years AD is examined. In the first part of the American architectural history book, early civilizations are introduced. In the continuation of this section, the author analyzes the architecture and culture of the ancient era under the title of prehistory. The developments of the ancient world and the new world are also other valuable contents of this book, which the author interprets in a separate section. In next section, the topic of cultural diversity in Europe, the Greek revolution and Roman developments and its effect on American architecture is discussed.

The book of the savior of students in cyberspace

The book of the savior of students in cyberspace

When teenagers consider lying as normal and common, they don't consider it ugly and disgusting. It happens that the foundation of morality in the society crumbles and falls morally. By reading a few works of an author, you can get to know his writing style and way of thinking. As a result, when people are faced with the way of writing and records of an author, they will easily be able to recognize the truth and falseness of narratives, arguments and news. So with the book, it is easier to validate the contents published by the publishers of various writings. Social networks and virtual space are increasingly exposing people of various societies to bombardment of data. To the extent that the sources of power use this space to direct public opinion towards their desired interests. It is interesting no one asks who published these materials and for what purpose. Therefore, students and teenagers, as future generations of societies, should be able to distinguish between true and false.

Creating interest in reading among students

Creating interest in reading among students

A shelf full of books suitable for the age group of the child that can be a good incentive for him. Books should express topics that are relevant to the child and his classmates. Books that make heroes and teach children the correct way of personal life and social interactions. Until the neural brain connections related to reading and writing are not formed in the minds of children, they may have difficulty in reading and writing. This process is different for different people; Therefore, attention should always be paid so that children's self-confidence is not distorted. Elementary school teachers, especially the first grade, are the gateway for students to enter the world of science, literacy, and awareness. Different types and styles of books can make students interested in different areas and speed up their brain development. The teacher teaches important points to the students while listening to the imaginations and mentalities of the children.

The role of reading the book in understanding the moral foundations of anthropology

The role of reading the book in understanding the moral foundations of anthropology

One of the famous Iranian books written about these topics is Haft Aurang written by Abdul Rahman Jami. Only people who are aware of moral and human foundations can leave works that have deep roots in the nature of man and his creation. One of the great advantages of searching and buying books online is spending the least amount of time and energy to find the required works. The important thing is to find a reliable center selling cultural products and books. Studying the book is of special importance because of its tremendous effect on people's lives. Being exposed to the repetitive affairs of life and daily routines causes them to distance themselves from their basic awareness. Reading, as a powerful tool, can put people on the right path in life by constantly reminding them of moral and human principles. The relationship between book study and the moral foundations of anthropology is one of the oldest relationships that has always been the focus of scientists and intellectuals...