Pregnancy is a condition in which a woman has an embryo or fetus in her womb. This period lasts 9 months in humans and ends with the birth of a baby, which is called childbirth. If the delivery takes place before the 37th week, it is a premature delivery. After the 41st week, the placenta gradually disappears and the fetus may not be able to receive oxygen and nutrients easily and the fetus may suffer.

After intercourse, the male sperm enters the female cervix and moves to the fallopian tubes. If one of the sperm can reach the fallopian tube and then enter the egg, the egg will be fertilized. In this case, the outer wall of the egg will change and will not allow another sperm to enter. Pregnancy can be safe and normal or risky. A high-risk pregnancy means during which there is a need for more care, such as twin or multiple pregnancy or uterine insufficiency and diabetes in pregnancy.

Postpartum depression is a name that refers to a type of depression that affects women in some cases after giving birth. About one out of every 10 women experience this depression. This disorder usually starts during the first month after conception, but it can even be delayed until 6 months later.

The first trimester of pregnancy refers to the period before the 12th week of pregnancy. Due to the fact that many women are unaware of their pregnancy during this period, most unwanted abortions occur during this period. Embryonic development and embryogenesis also happen during this period. In the first trimester of pregnancy, quitting smoking and alcohol and reducing caffeine is vital. Start taking folic acid supplements, remember to consult your doctor before taking any medication from this point on.

Pregnancy is one of the special periods in the life of mothers, which is associated with an increase in nutritional needs. Having a normal pregnancy period and successful results from it requires getting enough food. Every year, 30 million babies, equivalent to 23.8% of all births, occur in the world, and most of them face severe short-term and long-term health problems. Low birth weight is an important factor in mortality, disease and disability in infancy and childhood, and it also has a long-term effect on health in adulthood.

During pregnancy, you should be careful about your calorie intake. If you are overweight, more than any other mother during pregnancy, you should control your calorie intake under the supervision of a nutritionist and choose a healthy lifestyle. This excess weight during pregnancy can become more severe and increase the risk of diseases and disorders during pregnancy for both the mother and the fetus.

Having a good and healthy diet during pregnancy is one of the most important points in having an ideal weight and overweight during pregnancy. Consuming and having a diet that includes important foods such as bread and cereals, dairy products, protein, iron, healthy liquids, fruits and vegetables can play a significant role in ensuring the health of the mother and fetus.

Having proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital for maintaining the health of the mother and the developing fetus. The fetus grows very fast and its weight reaches from one gram in 8 weeks to about 3200 grams in the 40th week, which needs a variety of nutrients to reproduce its cells. This need must be met through proper nutrition of the mother. Studies have shown that compared to the quantity and quality of nutrition during infancy, the issue of improving mother's nutrition, both before and during pregnancy, plays a more important role in reducing infant mortality and improving their health. .

For more information about this, see the book on nutrition during pregnancy, improving the way mothers eat.

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