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The book "Cholesterol" has been published.

The book "Cholesterol" has been published.

Learning about cholesterol helps in understanding how to prevent heart diseases, which are a leading cause of death worldwide. About 20% of people in the society have some kind of increase in blood fat, but because it often has no clear symptoms, most of them are unaware of it. 30% increase in the prevalence of obesity and overweight, annual consumption of 60 billion cigarettes in the country, 25% prevalence of high blood pressure, 70% of the country's edible oils being unhealthy and many other factors in addition to many risk areas such as diabetes, inactivity and Improper nutrition leads the society to the epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in young people. It offers practical dietary advice to help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Understanding the link between stress and cholesterol can help in adopting better stress management techniques.

Natural attractions and tourism of Sistan and Baluchistan has been published.

Natural attractions and tourism of Sistan and Baluchistan has been published.

The natural and tourist attractions of Sistan and Baluchistan were published with the introduction of handicrafts, garden and agricultural products, protected natural areas, plant and animal species, and medicinal plants. Today's Sistan, which covers the northern part of the province, is the legendary land of ancient Iran, the origin of myths, epics and has been subject to various events throughout the history of Iran. This land is created by the hands of the epic hero Rostam and also Ahura Mazda of the Avesta book, the eleventh land. This ancient land has had various names in different periods, including: Sivostan, Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, Sekstan, Sistan, Massaget, Aria Polis, Darangiana, Zarang, Zaranj, Nimroz or Meridian, Zavel, Zabul and dozens of other names. This area has been of special importance in all historical periods due to its special strategic and geographical location. The name of Sistan comes from the name of the Aryan or Zaranga tribes, who have taken possession...