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The place of reading books among successful, wealthy and entrepreneurial women

The place of reading books among successful, wealthy and entrepreneurial women

Women in all societies face more challenges than men. When we look at the lives of successful women, we realize that they all have several characteristics in common. The first characteristic of these women is self-esteem, self-confidence and self-madeness. The existence of dependence, both mentally and economically, in these women is not to the extent that it causes disruption in their life affairs. People who do not show interest in studying and acquiring information deprive themselves of gaining valuable knowledge. This issue causes them to spend more energy and time to obtain job and social positions in the future. Reading books has a decisive role in the lives of successful women. Because acquiring necessary capabilities and intelligence in the field of time management, concentration and energy requires acquiring information in various fields of life. Due to intellectual and work preoccupations, it may not be possible for many women to spend energy and time to search and buy books.