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Tips about effective book reading

Tips about effective book reading

For a long time, what has been common in schools and can be observed more or less now, is that a lot of materials are imposed on students without considering their use. Since childhood, we are used to keep a list of things without paying attention to their application and meaning. Perhaps the reason that we are not able to study effectively as adults is rooted in our childhood and teenage education. If we consider the book as a tool to increase the quality of life, like other tools, we must learn how to use it in the first step. If we do not have the basic information in a certain field, it is better to see the necessary training first and then read specialized books in that field. You have probably seen some people around you who spend a lot of time studying, but they don't use it as much as they should in life. Study should be in such a way that we get the meaning of the read material. But the question is, what is the solution for effective use of study?

Does reading a book affect physical health?

Does reading a book affect physical health?

It can be claimed that there is a direct relationship between studying and increasing people's knowledge. One of the most important aspects of life is physical health. We should not put the responsibility of our physical health solely on vitamins and supplements. Most of us only think about energy production in the body. Meanwhile, the type of fuel or food used is very important and has a significant impact on physical health. When a person does not do sports activities, without a doubt, the metabolism process in the body is carried out at a low speed, which results in weight gain and obesity. Reading the book can increase people's health through the following methods. Reading the book increases people's knowledge of food properties. When we have the correct information about the advantages and disadvantages of different foods, we will definitely unconsciously go towards healthy diets. Reading books that are in the field of life habits can help in choosing excellent healthy strategies.

Publication, a means of transmitting messages around the world

Publication, a means of transmitting messages around the world

Simultaneously with the increasing development of technology, technical knowledge and the penetration of the Internet in the daily life of the majority of the public, publications have gone beyond the limitation of paper printing and entered the field of electronic publishing. Following this topic, the publication of the book has been expanded in virtual and audio format. The stages of publishing a book by a publishing house are not only limited to the publishing of a book, but also include the services of the printing house and the production process from the beginning until the relevant work is printed and sold, along with the matters related to the author of the book. The origin of publishing goes back to the invention of writing. Saving and transferring messages at different times is done using this phenomenon. The invention of publishing and printing removed the limitations of oral communication. These restrictions made it possible for people to communicate with each other...

Why do we need to read books in the field of success?

Why do we need to read books in the field of success?

Reading the book will help us to be on the right path to success by correcting our lifestyle and eliminating bad habits. Studying the book can significantly increase one's knowledge due to the variety and breadth of information it has. The most important point in knowing any path is that it is clear. Man naturally runs away from darkness and the unknown. Therefore, one of the effective ways to know the path of success is to increase information to know it. Maybe for many of you, this question is why it is difficult for people to achieve success or to be on the path to success. This issue means that the path to success is difficult and full of challenges, which has made successful people to be superior and attractive people for us. In general, the purpose of the human brain and metabolic systems in the body is to keep the organism alive. Maybe this is the reason why when we are hungry or thirsty we satisfy our needs in any way. The law of survival systems is energy storage.

An overview of book reading statistics in Iran and its effects

An overview of book reading statistics in Iran and its effects

If the culture of a society is declining, the result is abnormal behavior in the society. You have probably heard this saying many times that the average per capita reading of a book in Iran is about 16 minutes. When we compare this average with the world average, which is about 3 hours, we can clearly understand how low the importance of studying is in our country. In general, the amount of study in any country has a direct relationship with the quality of life in that country. The quality of life is proportional to the level of cultural and personality development of the people of a society. The way we behave when we face problems is very important and decisive. Some people in this situation, instead of looking for the right solution to solve life's problems, either run away from problems or choose wrong solutions. Unfortunately, due to the lack of study culture, this type of behavior is abundantly seen, which results in an increase in the number of divorces and addictions.