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Books that are suitable for finding a job

Books that are suitable for finding a job

Reading the book can teach people the techniques needed to influence the workplace. When you are an effective person in the workplace, it means that you have the ability to have the most productivity from your subordinates. Also, influential people can raise their needs with managers without facing communication challenges. Finding a suitable job is one of the important aspects of people's lives that can be decisive in determining their destiny. Finding a suitable job has three processes, which include a complete understanding of individual capabilities and characteristics, searching for a suitable workplace, and making an impact at the workplace. The existence of self-confidence is the most important step in influencing and influencing others, which brings you closer to your goal. Reading books in different work fields can provide enough information to people. Getting enough information is very important. The question is, what books can be helpful to read?

Why do we need to study books in the field of management?

Why do we need to study books in the field of management?

As a teenager, youth, housewife or a simple worker, you need to have the necessary information in the field of management. Perhaps at first glance, the type of management behavior for each position or situation is very different from each other, but the important thing is that they all have a few points in common. In the first step, we must know what behavioral characteristics each person has. When we have enough information, we can easily have a high impact on people without the least challenge. Studying books that are in the field of behaviorism can provide us with the necessary information in the field of knowing people's personality to a significant extent. All of us may have different behaviors according to our scientific or cultural level. Choosing the right behavior in a critical situation means a behavior that, in addition to solving the problem, causes the least damage to the people around and resources. Agile decision making in management means making the right decision.

The effect of reading books on the human brain

The effect of reading books on the human brain

The effects of studying on human physical dimensions. The brain, as a systemic tissue, has a significant impact on people's lives. Perhaps the importance of other body parts is more than the physical aspect. But the importance of the brain is both physical and psychological. The range of brain activity includes things that can have a great impact on daily life. One of the unique activities of the brain is memory. Brain tissue consists of billions of nerves. Memory or the process of storing information is the result of communication between these nerves. Just as the muscles in our body need strengthening and sports activities, the nerves of the brain also need strengthening to maintain health or, more correctly, to maintain the transfer of substances between them. Studying increases the communication between nerves by increasing these transmissions. Alzheimer's disease is one of the diseases that is directly related to the health of the nerves of the brain.

Types of book study methods

Types of book study methods

One of the factors that make us unable to include studying in our daily plans is the lack of time. But considering that studying has a profound effect on increasing people's quality of life, can it be removed? Of course, the answer is negative and it is better to look for solutions that we can, even if a little, include studying in our daily work. The fast reading method can make up for the lack of time to a significant extent. In this method, you are not looking to understand the details, but you intend to read and understand the important points. The technique of using selective method is that the person reads the beginning and end parts and then according to the basic understanding he gets, he identifies the key paragraphs in the text. We all need to read books according to our cultural, religious, scientific, religious and artistic needs. But due to the lack of time, in many cases we miss the opportunity to study.