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An overview of book reading statistics in Iran and its effects

An overview of book reading statistics in Iran and its effects

If the culture of a society is declining, the result is abnormal behavior in the society. You have probably heard this saying many times that the average per capita reading of a book in Iran is about 16 minutes. When we compare this average with the world average, which is about 3 hours, we can clearly understand how low the importance of studying is in our country. In general, the amount of study in any country has a direct relationship with the quality of life in that country. The quality of life is proportional to the level of cultural and personality development of the people of a society. The way we behave when we face problems is very important and decisive. Some people in this situation, instead of looking for the right solution to solve life's problems, either run away from problems or choose wrong solutions. Unfortunately, due to the lack of study culture, this type of behavior is abundantly seen, which results in an increase in the number of divorces and addictions.

The effect of the book on the right way of life

The effect of the book on the right way of life

The quality of social relationships has a direct impact on the quality of people's lives. One of the distinctive characteristics of successful people is having extensive and positive social relationships. One of the hidden effects of the book is purposeful life. The purpose in life can be different for each person. Regardless of the type of goal, it is very important to match its type with a person's life. If we intend to have professional social relations with those around us, we must know how and at what level to treat each person. This skill requires having sufficient knowledge in the field of behaviorism. The book in this field can have an effect on people's skills in shaping positive and extensive social behavior. The important thing is to choose a method that can help us reach our goals. The most important step in success is knowing yourself and then accepting yourself. People Just like organizations, must first know its assets in order to be able to plan based on it.

Criteria for choosing the best online bookstore

Criteria for choosing the best online bookstore

Preparing books, like other products, usually comes with challenges. We all need different books to read according to our moods and life needs. In many cases, it is difficult to find a topic that suits our moods and needs. Or we don't have easy access to find them. Shopping from online stores does not have many challenges of shopping in person. Perhaps the only concern we have for shopping is searching to find a reputable store in this field. One of the most reliable online stores in the field of book sales at present is Parnian Andish publishing store. Due to the unique features available, this store is considered the most suitable option for online shopping. One of the reasons why most people don't want to study is their lack of access to buy the subject they want. Searching for books from online stores has solved this problem to a great extent. An important thing to note is to ensure the credibility of the store.

The role of books in recording historical events

The role of books in recording historical events

Books, as regular manuscripts, have had a significant impact in transferring the experiences and events of history to today's world. Today, due to the advancement of technology, we can also record events using other tools such as video and audio. But the question is, despite the technologies such as photography and imaging, why do people tend to take more notes? The answer to this question can be found in the nature of us humans. Humans have longed to record the events of their lives. This issue can be understood from the evolution of handwriting on walls, trees, etc. The feeling of writing by itself creates confidence in people and psychologically reduces stress and anxiety. In knowledge management systems, people use past experiences and their results to make critical decisions. One of the most important benefits of recording historical events is its impact on improving the cultural, religious, religious and mystical level of societies.

The effect of reading books on the formation of personality in people

The effect of reading books on the formation of personality in people

One of the tools that can effectively affect people's personality is reading. The important thing is that a person can change his personality dimensions whenever he wants. But what tool to use to change the personality is very important. Because using the wrong tool can cause irreparable damage to people's psyche. All of us humans face many challenges and problems in our life. One of the most important tips for solving life's challenges is to have enough self-confidence and experience. Studying creates this opportunity so that by using the experiences of other people, we can have the right solutions to solve life's problems. If you have paid attention to people who have a habit of studying, you must have noticed that they have an innate calmness to manage their problems. Books have different fields such as cultural, artistic, scientific and historical. According to psychologists, the existence of the habit of studying in people, regardless of its context, can have significant effects.

Charlie Chaplin's rousing speech

Charlie Chaplin's rousing speech

Charlie Chaplin's passionate speech in the final sequence of the movie The Great Dictator is a prayer to the world to remember the most fundamental concepts of creation and a glorious and stunning return to the essence of the forgotten moral and human teachings of all theological schools. Words full of truth that polishes the soul of a person and awareness whose original content penetrates deep into the souls of conscious people and shakes the conscience of humanity.

The wonders of human creation

The wonders of human creation

There is no contradiction between God's special knowledge about the state of the fetus and gender recognition in the present era, because God's knowledge means that only God knows at any moment, how many wombs - in the entire universe - have been fertilized or not. This is the same as the verse "Not a leaf falls but he knows it"; That is, only God knows how many leaves fall from all the trees in the world in each moment, and it is not just one or two leaves. It is the same in the verse in question; This means that only God knows how many fertile wombs remain and how many fall out of all the wombs in the whole world at any given moment.

Pregnancy and proper nutrition

Pregnancy and proper nutrition

After intercourse, the male sperm enters the female cervix and moves to the fallopian tubes. If one of the sperm can reach the Fallopian tube, the egg will be fertilized. In this case, the outer wall will change and will not allow another sperm to enter. Pregnancy is safe and normal or risky. A high-risk pregnancy means during which there is a need for more care, such as twin or multiple pregnancy or uterine insufficiency and diabetes in pregnancy. Every year, 30 million equivalent to 23.8% of all births, occur in the world, most of them face severe short-term and long-term health problems. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital for health.

What do you know about asthma?

What do you know about asthma?

Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurrent symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and spasms. Its common symptoms include wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath, which is known as the triad of asthma. In 2011, 300-235 million people worldwide had asthma, and about 250,000 people die from the disease each year. Symptoms are usually worse at night and in the early morning, or during exercise or in cold weather. Some people with asthma rarely experience symptoms, usually in response to triggers, while others may have persistent and obvious symptoms.