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The story of the king and the concubine of Masnavi Mawlana (Rumi)

The story of the king and the concubine of Masnavi Mawlana (Rumi)

The first story of Masnavi, that is, the king falling in love with a maidservant, is placed in the same collection of stories as "Sheikh Sanaan" and "Salaman and Absal", the theme of this story is also the acceptance of human and earthly love and making it a prelude to divine love and It is mystical. All the characteristics of the story of Sheikh Sanan, Salaman, Absal, etc. can be found in this story. The first story of Mawlavi's Masnavi is perhaps the most important and meaningful story of Masnavi; Because Mawlana considers it his "criticism of the present", that is, the state he felt or feels, he saw in this story and in a way he wants to express his own perception of love and mysticism and his personal experience of romantic feeling with tell this story and convey it to the reader or listener. The story of Mawlana's life and his love for "Shams Tabrizi" is also reminiscent of the same theme: the lack of compatibility between the lover and the beloved "Shams and Mawlana"...

Explanations about the book Tafsir al-Mizan (Volume 1 - Surah Hamd)

Explanations about the book Tafsir al-Mizan (Volume 1 - Surah Hamd)

Tafsir al-Mizan is written by Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Tabatabai. During his education and life, Allameh Tabataba'i was able to achieve a very high level of knowledge and understanding in many sciences such as Arabic literature, translation sciences, jurisprudence and principles, compared to modern sciences, and he succeeded in exploiting the wealth of knowledge and knowledge of scholars before him. to achieve His complete and multi-faceted mastery of these knowledge led him to achieve the correct way of looking at the Holy Qur'an, he acquired the necessary ability and mastery to understand the verses of the Qur'an in a deep and correct manner and to express a valuable interpretation of this divine book. The use of supplementary books of Tafsir such as Tafsir al-Mizan, which many Islamic scholars believe is the most authentic commentary of the Holy Qur'an in the entire history of Islam, is recognized as one of the fundamental and undeniable necessities in this regard.