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Reading books and reducing harm in puberty

Reading books and reducing harm in puberty

Having depression means not having the motivation to do any kind of activity or idea. Due to the fact that the type of narration of any book or story can affect people's spirit, soul and spirit, so it can significantly affect the reduction of depression. The conditions faced by a teenager at the age of puberty can be explained by citing an example. Imagine a factory with an uncontrolled level of different energies, while the amount of production and of course its type does not match the amount of energy input to it. In such a situation, it is expected to create any kind of technical defect or production of ineffective products. Being in puberty is similar to the example mentioned. Eating habits such as eating carbohydrates or fast foods can be one of the damaging factors during puberty. If a person becomes obese or overweight during adolescence and especially puberty, with inappropriate eating habits, it can be very difficult to compensate for it. Books reduce the depression.

The relationship between reading books and strengthening the art of expression

The relationship between reading books and strengthening the art of expression

In today's world, we receive or send the required messages from others in different ways. One of the common ways of conveying a message is using speech techniques. At first glance, this technique may only involve talking. But it can be said that speaking is only a part of art of expression. You can claim to be influential on the people around you when you have the influence of words in the first step. It means that you can apply your rules and ask others to implement them without using punitive measures such as coercion or fines. The book as a sea of diverse words and sentences can have a significant effect in strengthening this technique. Therefore, prepare books with various topics and try to pronounce the words correctly. A successful speaker should express the content in such a way that the listeners enjoy listening to it in addition to following the topic. Therefore, try to have the most accurate information on the topic in question. Studying books keeps calm and reduce stresses.

A look at book copyright in Iran

A look at book copyright in Iran

Considering that there is no copyright law for foreign authors, can their works be used without permission? In the copyright of books and other works, you are the owner of an idea that you have the right to sell or transfer to others. In Iran, specific laws for copyright have been formulated and implemented. According to the law, if a work is protected by the law, anyone who knowingly and intentionally publishes that work in his own name or takes advantage of it without permission, commits a legal violation and is sentenced to 6 months to 3 years of disciplinary imprisonment. will be It is necessary to pay attention to the points in this law. The reason for this is that Iran is not a member of the Swiss Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. This is the reason why foreign authors or any type of works published abroad do not have the legal right to pursue copyright in Iran. Religious scholars in Iran do not consider it permissible to use without permission.

Studying books in the field of traditional medicine

Studying books in the field of traditional medicine

Studying books that are in the field of traditional medicine is the first step to get to know this science. As mentioned in the previous articles, the use of traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases has recently received much attention. One of the characteristics of traditional medicine is that it can be used to prevent disease. Considering this issue, reading traditional medicine books can play a big role in reducing diseases. The use of traditional medicine solutions along with modern medicine can significantly affect the treatment process of some diseases. In recent years, with the progress of science in this field, the view of the people of the world towards traditional medicine has changed a lot. The main difference between traditional medicine and modern medicine is that traditional medicine was derived from the beliefs and experiences of people throughout history. In modern medicine, one of the basic and important steps that cause a medicine enter the treatment is...