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The role of books in the evolution of life

The role of books in the evolution of life

Having the right performance is decisive to achieve the goal. Choosing a goal is only the first step to transformation in life. This is despite the fact that having a proper performance that is based on the standards, not only causes mental and psychological health in people, but also makes the path to reach the goal easier. Pharmaceutical companies use different standards to increase productivity and progress. Since a long time, the existence of failure in human life is due to ignorance and lack of sufficient information. Therefore, obtaining sufficient information has a significant effect on increasing behavioral standards. Moving in line with these standards will increase the quality of the organization's performance day by day. Transformation in life is similar to this case. Standards are not only existing and established laws in society, but can also have a human and inherent aspect. Using books to increase the quality of life may seem slow and disappointing in some aspects.

Increasing legal knowledge through reading books

Increasing legal knowledge through reading books

The existence of any kind of social challenge at the community level will be a dangerous and critical time that affects the continuity of the family. The existence of family disputes, which recently lead to divorce in most cases, shows that both women and men do not have any knowledge of its legal burden before entering the stage of marriage and forming a family. The existence of divorce statistics shows the critical nature of this challenge in Iranian society. All of us, depending on the type of activity and the environment in which we live, need to have basic legal information. Not having enough information in this field can cause financial and psychological damage to people. Many workers do not have any information about their basic rights in the work environments in which they work. In some cases, this issue causes abuse by the employer. Undoubtedly, when we are not aware of our rights, we cannot make the right decisions in critical situations.

Can the use of e-books be beneficial?

Can the use of e-books be beneficial?

The existence of electronic books has made it possible for people to have access to all kinds of topics in a short time, considering the conflicts in today's world. The use of e-books has recently received attention. In general, the advancement of technology has created significant effects in human life. It can be said that the most important goal of technology is the ease of people's access to facilities. As a similar case, perhaps this is the reason why the use of fast food is very important in today's world. Many of us always tend to use easy and accessible facilities due to lack of time and various conflicts. The use of electronic books is also available and easy, which can have its own advantages and disadvantages. We will review it in this article. Considering the conflicts in today's world and the stress and anxiety caused by it, one of the most effective solutions is to stay away from technology and get peace from tools such as books. Maybe it is better to look for quick...

Books are an effective element in child education

Books are an effective element in child education

Reading books that are in the field of education can significantly reduce the common mistakes of parents in the correct implementation of these components. In any case, the process of raising a child cannot rely only on the experiences of those around. The existence of educational misconceptions not only reduces the deep connection between children and parents, but also causes mental illnesses in people. Raising children is one of the complex tasks that have been the responsibility of mothers for a long time, willingly or unwillingly. Considering the impact of education on people's future, using the right educational strategies can be decisive in the success of the family and the individual. Man as a dynamic being, both physically and mentally, can question any kind of educational theory in practice. Considering that each person needs their own educational method depending on their genetic and environmental characteristics, it is difficult to talk about raising children.

A look at the history of the book

A look at the history of the book

In today's world, books play an important role in transmitting scientific, cultural, artistic and literary concepts. Books have long played a decisive role in recording and transmitting historical events to future generations. This is despite the fact that less attention has been paid to the history of their own evolution. The writings in them are either handwritten using pen and ink or created through printing. The main characteristic of books is that the sheets are connected to each other. The definition published by UNESCO says: any type of writing that is bound and has more than 49 pages can be called a book. Books have a history of thousands of years. The passage of time and the use of new technologies have made the use of this valuable tool easier and more accessible day by day. About 2000 years ago, in ancient Egypt, paper-like sheets called papyrus were used for writing. Papyrus was prepared in the form of a scroll and had a width of 30 cm.

A review of the age categories of books for children and teenagers

A review of the age categories of books for children and teenagers

Reading can be useful and effective for all ages. But due to the fact that children's ability to understand is different at different ages, reading any kind of book cannot be suitable for them. They acquire different capabilities, so the selection of entertainment and educational tools for them should be done in such a way that, in addition to increasing their abilities, they also do not cause psychological harm to them. If the child is under the age of 4, a book should be chosen for them that has simple and colorful pictures and drawings. From the age of 4 years and above, even though the child has matured in terms of understanding and understanding, picture books will still be the best option for them. Children 6 to 8 years old are included in this age group. At this age, the child is able to understand the relationships between people. Also, at this age, the child has the highest memory power. Teenagers in age group D are looking for heroes for their lives to make their behavior.