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The place of reading books among successful, wealthy and entrepreneurial women

The place of reading books among successful, wealthy and entrepreneurial women

Women in all societies face more challenges than men. When we look at the lives of successful women, we realize that they all have several characteristics in common. The first characteristic of these women is self-esteem, self-confidence and self-madeness. The existence of dependence, both mentally and economically, in these women is not to the extent that it causes disruption in their life affairs. People who do not show interest in studying and acquiring information deprive themselves of gaining valuable knowledge. This issue causes them to spend more energy and time to obtain job and social positions in the future. Reading books has a decisive role in the lives of successful women. Because acquiring necessary capabilities and intelligence in the field of time management, concentration and energy requires acquiring information in various fields of life. Due to intellectual and work preoccupations, it may not be possible for many women to spend energy and time to search and buy books.

A different look at the book publishing industry

A different look at the book publishing industry

Readers who need to study non-fiction topics have faced the challenge of lack or absence of authentic books. What can be expected in the long run is the widespread cultural changes in the society. One of the changes that has many cultural and social aspects is the tendency of publishers to publish fiction books. Fiction books have higher sales due to their higher appeal to the audience. This issue has increased the interest of publishers in them. In general, the field of publishing is affected by various factors. But the worrisome issue is that most of the influential and role-playing factors are not concerned about the cultural development of the society and in many cases, their goal is only to earn more money by any means possible. In today's world, people don't need to visit in person, and they can easily search and meet their need for books in the work or family environment. But the entry of electronic networks into the book publishing space has also had negative aspects.

As an efficient tool, how can the book improve the quality and level of people's lives?

As an efficient tool, how can the book improve the quality and level of people's lives?

In the process of studying, the human brain is always receiving, processing and analyzing information. But this is not the whole story. Humans experience psychological tensions when dealing with social challenges. Getting into the heart of the characters in the stories and the documents contained in the articles can quickly empty the mind of negative emotions. Studying, in addition to increasing people's knowledge in various fields, will also improve the quality of life by improving brain functions. Organizations pay attention to the way they speak in selecting the human resources they need. Studying in any form can continuously increase the vocabulary of people, especially children. Trying to understand different emotions plays a significant role in developing human emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence strengthens the parts of the human brain that are related to the recognition and understanding of people in the surrounding environment; It doesn't matter if...

Simple and practical solutions to create the habit of continuous book reading

Simple and practical solutions to create the habit of continuous book reading

If you have a plan to read a book a week, if you do not succeed in reading in the first week, you will definitely be discouraged. Considering this issue, what can be the right solution? Lack of enough time, intellectual and work preoccupations are the most important excuses that most people give for not studying continuously. Successful people always spend a significant part of their waking and activity time throughout their life, studying and thinking. You can plan to read 10 to 20 pages a day. According to the law of compound effect, in the long run, you will notice that the combination of effects resulting from achieving these short-term and small goals, has easily established the great and incredible habit of continuous study in you. Based on the law of the lever of suffering and pleasure, the human brain automatically looks for fun and joyful points; That is, it always seeks to escape from things that are painful for the brain and tends to move in a path that seems enjoyable...