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The role of books in creating a flexible mind

The role of books in creating a flexible mind

Capabilities such as intelligence and perseverance play a decisive role in the social success of humans. But how to convince students that while having high intelligence, it is necessary to have the ability to stand and be patient in the face of problems, is considered one of the educational challenges of parents and schools. It should not be forgotten that a student's mind is not a painting or a photo that can easily be attached to a label of effort and perseverance! According to the previous content, one should ask what is the right solution? The correct solution is to use educational methods that move students in the direction of creating a flexible mind. Due to their high capacity in learning, students have a much higher ability to empower their minds. But we should not forget that people can be very vulnerable during childhood and adolescence. It will not be possible to create a flexible mind in the student unless the parents and guardians of the schools have sufficient knowledge.

The role of books in reducing stress in teenagers

The role of books in reducing stress in teenagers

When a person from childhood enters adolescence, regardless of the formation of a sense of independence, his individual needs such as education, recreation, and creating purposeful relationships also increase. Undoubtedly, responding to all these needs can cause stress in a person. Researchers believe that parents and schools should try to teach students skills that increase their ability to manage stress. In this case, being exposed to personal and social emotions, in addition to not causing harm to them, will also lead to the formation of positive habits. The presence of stress causes him to postpone studying. By examining the nature of this stress, one of the main reasons for this is the uncertainty of exam sources. One of the effective solutions is to imagine what advice we would give to our friend if he had this problem. In this situation, without a doubt, a wiser solution comes to our mind!

The role of books in the management of cyberspace by teenagers

The role of books in the management of cyberspace by teenagers

Students have a strong dependence on their mobile phones and consequently the virtual space. The most important challenge in this dependence is the entry of a huge amount of data and different information into the minds and lives of children and teenagers. In fact, by entering the virtual space, students quickly enter a vast space of different sightings and hearings. Cyberspace is very attractive to teenagers due to its wide coverage and power. Keeping children and teenagers away from this space will result in nothing but social and personality deficiencies. One of the challenges of parents and guardians of schools is to adopt strategies to reduce the effectiveness and, as a result, reduce the harm caused by cyberspace to students. Considering the extent of social media, the best solution is to empower students to separate right from wrong information. Considering that cyber space contains a lot of different information and it seems inevitable to keep students away from it...

The role of books in brain development of children from 2 to 7 years old

The role of books in brain development of children from 2 to 7 years old

The first jump is at the age of 2. At this age, the connections between brain cells, which are called synapses, increase significantly; In such a way that the amount of synapses in the brain of a two-year-old child is almost twice that of an adult human. Therefore, a child at this age has a very high ability to learn. The second mutation is at the age of 7 years. This age is a great opportunity to reveal the child's latent talents. Therefore, using a comprehensive and correct educational method has a vital role in the future success of the child's life. As a dynamic tool, books can have a significant effect on the mental development of children and teenagers. Using tools like books should not suppress emotional intelligence in children. Let's not forget that having a high ability to learn does not mean fast and targeted training. Considering the need of children at different ages of their life for all kinds of books, one of the serious challenges for parents and schools is to find...

Students' interest in reading books and its effect on increasing the literacy level of society

Students' interest in reading books and its effect on increasing the literacy level of society

The presence of motivation causes the release of happy hormones in the brain, the result of which is an increase in interest in doing work. Having shelves full of different books can be attractive for all students. Finding books that suit students' interests will create a sense of identification. Undoubtedly, reading a book is one of the most effective ways to increase the learning ability of people in society, especially students. But one of the significant points in this field is the use of this tool in a way that improves the brain function and literacy of students. Therefore, it can be concluded that creating interest in reading suitable books is one of the important responsibilities of schools and teachers. The most reliable publishing and online sales website in the field of publishing and cultural works in the Persian language is Parnian Andish publishing website. Parnian Andish Publications always considers the highest quality standards in its published works.