The Book of Tafsir al-Mizan - a reminder of a covenant for the earth and its inhabitants
The Holy Quran provides solutions for all the challenges of human life as beautifully as possible. This is why the books of Qur'an interpretation generally examine moral issues and recurring social patterns in human life. Meanwhile, they examine how these patterns can be coordinated with the pulse of today's world. Ontology is deeply embedded in the fabric of Islamic teachings. The Quran has recommendations about our personal behavior and how it manifests itself in our interactions with others, as well as the relationship we establish with other sentient beings. But perhaps understanding all the angles of these points due to the vastness and multifacetedness of human spiritual and social issues, cannot be achieved by reading the Qur'an itself and translating it for ordinary people.

The late Allameh Tabatabaei - the author of Tafsir al-Mizan
Separation of right from wrong
One of the most important human needs is to distinguish right from wrong. These days, right and wrong are mixed to such an extent that it sometimes seems very difficult to distinguish between them. The Holy Qur'an is the word of truth and besides religious and religious principles, it explains many moral, social, scientific and political issues for its audience. Therefore, the Qur'an is considered the best source for understanding the truth. This is the reason why he also introduces this divine word under the name of Farqan or separating the right from the wrong. But understanding the various aspects and applications and examples of the great meanings of the Qur'an may not be easy for ordinary people who do not have specialized studies in this field. One of the important features of the Quran is its brevity, and not all sections of the society are able to properly understand the deep meanings and concepts of the verses. In such a situation, authentic interpretations such as Tafsir al-Mizan come to the aid of those interested.
To whom is it recommended to read Tafsir al-Mizan?
Researchers and researchers who search about Quran and Islam.
People who want to learn more about Islam.
Those who have problems in interpreting, recognizing examples and understanding the meanings of some stories and verses of the Quran.
Those people who are occupied with many religious questions.
If you only want to have a cursory view and a superficial understanding of the Qur'an and its verses, Tafsir al-Mizan is not the right choice! But if you feel a strong determination and a great upliftment in yourself and you need deep and human-building thinking in the field of the Quran and its rules, you should without a doubt go to this informative and valuable book.
Recognizing religious distortions
Allameh Tabatabai paid special attention to the Sunnah of the Prophet and authentic traditions while writing the commentary of Al-Mizan. Therefore, you can find traces of all Islamic issues and teachings in it. Therefore, when profit-seeking people try to feed you with distortions in the name of religion, you will resist them well and, so to speak, you will know the right from the wrong. We owe the existence of this valuable benchmark to the efforts of the free-thinking scientist and great philosopher, Allameh Tabatabai.
Tafsir al-Mizan - Volume 6
The sixth volume of al-Mizan's commentary includes verses 89 to 107 of Surah Al-Baqarah. Several volumes of Tafsir al-Mizan are devoted to the study and interpretation of Surah Baqarah. Surah Al-Baqarah, of which Ayah al-Kursi is also a part, has many deep social and human themes and concepts, and undoubtedly the late Allameh Tabatabai also went through many challenges and studies day and night in writing the commentary of this surah. Is.

Tafsir al-Mizan - Volume 6
Online purchase of volume 6 of Tafsir al-Mizan
To make it easier for the audience to benefit from the knowledge of Al-Mizan's valuable commentary, Parnianandish Publications has published this work in the form of books with a suitable and eloquent title, form, and writing, with complete editing and description. In this way, the books will be more usable. Those who are interested in the book can buy volume 6 of Tafsir al-Mizan, along with other volumes of this book, in the form of physical and printed versions, as well as electronic books, along with audio and multimedia books, from the online book store on the website of Parnian Andish Publishing. use it Hoping that the publication of such valuable cultural works can be the cause of moving towards the happiness of this world and the hereafter for all hardworking people.
Allameh Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Qazi Tabatabai Tabrizi (born in Tabriz 1281 - died on November 24, 1360 Qom) known as Allameh Tabatabai, a famous cleric, a great philosopher and a hard-working and deep-thinking Iranian writer, one of the great Shia taqlid authorities and one of the famous teachers of the seminary. It was considered Qom. His childhood and adolescence were spent in Tabriz. He lost his mother at the age of five and his father at the age of nine. His father's executor sent him and his only brother Mohammad Hassan Elahi Tabatabai to school. He studied the Qur'an and Persian literary books in elementary school, then studied religious sciences.
In addition to learning literature, he learned calligraphy techniques under the supervision of calligrapher Mirza Alinqi. Elementary education could not respond to his rich taste and abundant interest, so he went to Talebiyah School in Tabriz and studied Arabic literature, translation sciences, jurisprudence and principles and studied various fields of Islamic knowledge. He himself remembers his studies as follows: "At the beginning of my studies, when I was only employed, I was not very interested in continuing my studies, and therefore I did not understand everything I was studying, and I spent four years like this. After that, God's providence suddenly surrounded me, changed me, and I felt a kind of fascination and impatience towards studying for perfection. So that from that day until the end of my studies, which lasted for almost seventeen years, I never felt tired or discouraged about education and thinking, and I forgot the ugly and beautiful of the world and considered the bitter and sweet events as equal. I completely dismantled non-academic society. In terms of food, sleep and other necessities of life, I was satisfied with the minimum necessary and studied the rest. It used to be a lot, especially in the spring and summer, when I spent the night studying until the sunrise, and I always studied tomorrow's lesson the night before, and if there was a problem, I would solve it with every suicide, and when I attended the lesson From what the teacher said, I was already clear and I never brought the problems and mistakes of the lesson to the teacher."
He also went to Najaf with his brother and studied religious sciences in Najaf for ten years. During this period, he learned mathematics from Seyyed Abulqasem Mousavi Khansari, the grandson of Seyyed Abulqasem Khansari, and learned jurisprudence and principles from professors such as Mohammad Hossein Naini and Mohammad Hossein Gharavi Isfahani. His teacher in philosophy was Hakim Mutala, Seyyed Hossein Badkobei. He also studied theology, interpretation of the Qur'an to the Qur'an, wisdom and philosophy, mysticism, ethics and hadith jurisprudence from Seyyed Ali Qazi Tabatabai. While he was studying in Najaf, he was forced to return to Iran due to the scarcity of livelihood and the lack of income from his agricultural property in Tabriz, and for ten years after that, he worked in agriculture in the Shadabad village of Tabriz. And agriculture has passed the time.
About this period of the fruitful life of this great master of religion and Islamic sciences, his son Seyyed Abdul Baqi Tabatabai says: "I remember well that my father was constantly busy throughout the year and his work in the cold season during the rain and Monsoon snows, while holding umbrellas or wearing skins, was considered normal.
Lack of ambiguity and exaggeration in the meanings of the verses and the origin of differences
Among all the verses of the Qur'an (which are more than several thousand verses), we do not find a single verse that is exaggerated and superstitious in its meaning, so that the reader's mind gets confused and confused in understanding its meaning, and how could it not be so and However, the Qur'an is the most eloquent Arabic language, and the most basic condition of eloquence is that it does not have any obfuscation or superstition, and even those verses that are considered to be similar to the Qur'an, such as the abrogated verses and the like, are very clear in their meaning. And it is clear and its similarity is due to the fact that we do not know what it means, not because the meaning of its appearance is unknown. Therefore, this difference is not found in the meaning of the words, but all of them are found in the difference in the example of the words, and each religion and profession have taken the words and sentences of the Qur'an to an example, which the other does not accept. From the imaginary and affirmative signification of the word, one thing is understood and the other is something else.
The reason for the material meanings of the words imposed on the mind
The explanation that human nature and habit (just as it has been said) causes the mind of a person to overtake its material meaning when hearing a word or a sentence, and before any other meaning, that material meaning or its adjuncts The mind comes, and we humans, from the place where our bodies and our physical powers, as long as we are in this material world, are immersed in matter, and it is all about matter, so for example, if the word life, and science, And when we hear power, hearing, sight, speech, will, satisfaction, anger, creation, order, and the like, the material meaning of these immediately comes to our mind, the same meaning that comes from We know these words in ourselves. And also when we hear the words heaven, and earth, and tablet, and pen, and throne, and seat, and angel, and angel's wings, and Satan, and his troops, from his infantry and cavalry, natural and material examples. It overtakes our mind, and enters our understanding before any other meaning.
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