Why should I study book the natural and tourist attractions of Sistan and Baluchistan?
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In today's world, with the specialization of all affairs, tourism activities should also be looked at in a specialized way. Because the tourists of any field of tourism may be different from other tourists in terms of age, sex, level of education, country of origin, etc.; But experts have classified this field of tourism in different ways.
Vance Smith mentions six types of tourism as follows:
1) Ethnic tourism 2) Art tourism 3) Historical tourism
4) Nature-oriented tourism 5) Recreational tourism 6) Business tourism
Dr. Ali Asghar Rizvani has also divided the types and forms of tourism as follows:
1) recreational tourism and use of vacations 2) therapeutic tourism 3) cultural and educational tourism
4) Social tourism 5) Sports tourism 6) Religious and pilgrimage tourism
7) Commercial tourism. 8) Political tourism.
For tourism of any kind, it is necessary to prepare, without which economic and principled tourism is not possible; For example, the existence of access ways to a place or around it, including the preparations for being in a tourist destination Without it, tourism is not possible. Because the nature of tourism is in moving places, such basic requirements in a place are called infrastructure. For example, if in a country during the year we are not able to easily get a plane, bus, or train ticket to go to a tourist destination, it indicates the lack or lack of tourism infrastructure in that country. After settling in the desired place, the existence of a place to stay, the existence of a manual or trained guides, as well as the existence of active agencies and appropriate management of the destination are among the main prerequisites and infrastructures of visiting a place.

Sistan and Baluchistan province is one of the least dense provinces in the country
Sistan and Baluchistan province is one of the least dense provinces in the country. This province has an area of 187,502 square kilometers, of which 15,197 square kilometers belong to Sistan and 172,305 square kilometers belong to Baluchistan. This province is between 25 degrees and 3 minutes to 31 degrees and 27 minutes north latitude from the equator and 58 degrees And it is located 50 minutes to 63 degrees and 21 minutes east of the Greenwich Meridian, and having about 11% of the total area of the country, it ranks first in terms of area.
Today's Sistan, which covers the northern part of the province, is the legendary land of ancient Iran, the origin of myths, epics and has been subjected to various events throughout the history of Iran. This land is created by the hands of the epic hero Rostam and also Ahura Mazda of the Avesta book, the eleventh land. This ancient land has had different names in different periods, including: Sivostan, Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, Sekstan, Sistan, Massaget, Aria Polis, Drangiana, Zarang, Zaranj, Nimroz or Meridian, Zavel, Zabul and dozens of other names. This area has been of special importance in all historical periods due to its special strategic and geographical location. The name of Sistan comes from the name of the Aryan or Zaranga tribes, who have taken possession of Sistan and settled in its area. After the migration of the Scythians to the south, during the time of Farhad II Ashkani, a group of them was called Zarang and the word Sakastan Zarang settled. From this time onwards, Zarang is called Sistan. Zaranga is also mentioned in Dariush's inscription. Nimroz is another name of Sistan.
Baluchistan region, which includes the southern part of the province; Its name is mentioned in Biston and Takht Jamshid inscriptions, which was common among the people until after Islam and was called Mekiya or Mekyan. In the first century of the lunar Hijri, when the Arabs reached this land, this land has been called Makran for centuries, and the Arab world travelers have mentioned this area by the name of Makran. The name of Baluchistan was applied to that region since the Baluchs settled in this area.
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